IFMGA board member, vice president of the Technical Commission and Protect Our Winter Alliance team member Angela Hawse joined a panel discussion at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on Friday, March 21st which marked the launch of World Glaciers Day and the 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation.

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Angela joined scientists, professors and governments from many countries around the world to celebrate, raise awareness and shout a call to action to protect the plight of glaciers. Her question on the panel focused on tourism and what individuals can do with the threat posed by climate change as adventure tourism has become more recognized globally with significant influence in business and political communities. Her brief response can be found at 1:25:46 on the recording of the event:

It may have been the first time an IFMGA mountain guide had a seat at the table in high-level discussions at the UN but hopefully not the last. Thanks to Protect Our Winters for sending Angela to represent!

Additional information and key messages about the UN 2025 International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation can be found in the link:
