Madison Stevens 5421

Catch the Polar Bears International  first seasonal webinar for tour companies and guides operating in the Svalbard region. Their staff scientist, Alysa McCall, will present scientific information about polar bear adaptation, distribution, life history and conservation. The Outreach Programs Manager, Kayla McCurry, will provide tips and strategies for navigating challenging conversations with guests about polar bears and climate change. Audience participation is encouraged and they will have the recording available to anyone who registers, in case they cannot attend in person.

Link to register for webinar

A second webinar, for those operating in the Canadian Arctic, will be scheduled in late summer.

Polar Bear Handbook for Guides

This tool is now available, exclusively for guides, as a downloadable PDF along with photos for use in presentations. 

Link to download handbook

Quarterly Newsletter

Guides who download the handbook or register for the webinar will also receive an email newsletter no more than 4 times a year sharing updates on newly published polar bear research, upcoming webinars and release of updated versions of the handbook.