462469460 1331355188273699 4753739153207450775 n

This year, the first training course on ski mountaineering took place in Argentina with the participation of mountain guides from Ecuador, Peru and Mexico. This course, will serve as leveling prior to the IFMGA Ski Guide course and is aimed at professionals from countries where the IFMGA training does not include ski modules due to lack of infrastructure.

462412615 1249935836032799 8817888600222071596 n   462337074 1776157459865684 4755640017017340674 n   462450278 1859170841238135 4802926784069792570 n

The training, coordinated by Luciano Fiorenza and the Argentinian Mountain Guides Association, covered topics such as descent technique, ascent technique and risk management in snowy terrain.

462300748 1044704564112130 5371901072194275415 n   462419281 440176725278944 847924157884085798 n   462300748 1044704564112130 5371901072194275415 n