Snow Icemelt

The Consulate General of Switzerland in San Francisco will hold a series of events in Boulder, Colorado, on June 3 and 4, 2024, with the support of the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI), the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA), and the Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America.

Excursion (invitation only): The program will start off with an excursion for a small group of opinion leaders to the Rocky Mountains led by two international mountain guides from Switzerland and Colorado. 

Public Event: On the next day, June 4, Swiss and U.S. experts will share their insights on topics related to ice melt and snowmelt. From glacial dynamics to climate change impacts, expect thought-provoking discussions that bridge scientific knowledge across borders.

Reception and panel discussion (invitation only): The series of events will close off with a panel discussion and a pop-up multi-media exhibition of Swiss artist Céline Ducret, who will display the results of her artist-scientist tandem “sensing in/formation” within the PolARTS project, co-led by the Swiss Polar Institute and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.


Registrate for the public event here



Tuesday, June 4, 2024

9:00am – 1:15pm (doors open at 8:30am)


Village Center at William’s Village

University of Colorado

500 30th Street, Boulder, CO 80309