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The International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IFMGA, UIAGM, IVBV), hosted by E.N.S.A. (Ecole Nationale de Ski et d’Alpinisme), held their annual Spring Technical Meeting from May 20-24 in Chamonix France.  With unprecedented attendance of 60 IFMGA mountain guides, the technical delegates from all 27 member associations around the world participated for a week of intense workshops and presentations.

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Topics included tools, techniques and theory to address emerging and current challenges of the mountain guiding profession and included; Climate Change and risk, the IFMGA Platform, training programs in English, avalanche observation tools, snowpack stability analysis, sociology and change, medical training for guides, avalanche transceiver interference issues, equipment testing and techniques presented by the IFMGA Canyoning Committee.  A film premiere La Traccia Di Toni was presented by Grivel, told the  emotional story of Toni Gobbi, one of the IFMGA’s founders in 1965. The week included a visit to the PETZL factory in Heron and testing facility in Crolles and was capped off with the 1st “Guides Olympics” at the E.N.S.A. climbing gym in Chamonix.

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A delegate from the Slovenian Mountain Guides Association stated – “On behalf of the SMGA, I want to thank you for the wonderful workshops and a great week at ENSA.  Great organization, important workshop topics and even the IFMGA Olympics.  These few days undoubtedly strengthened the IFMGA family.” – Tadej Debevec.  A representative from the New Zealand Mountain Guide Association (NZMGA) stated – “Through intense discussions, we learned that the problems we face are not necessarily unique.  Our willingness to communicate and work together on solutions demonstrates that we are all in this together.” – Jonathan Gillian.

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The IFMGA is the international umbrella for mountain guide associations with 27 members from around the world.  Once a year in Spring, the technical directors from all our associations, responsible for the training programs in the member associations, gather to exchange information and conversations on the development of the technical aspects of the mountain guides profession.  Along with the IFMGA’s Technical Commission, these days are an opportunity to reunite and work together towards building higher and higher standards for training.



